"Miles of Smiles"
Phone: 917-533-5790
Works on all Bikes
Fits in any seat
Only $139.00
Putting the Vibration Where It Counts since 1999
Most Frequently Asked VibeRider Question
How do I synchronize the unit to work with the RPM's?
The best way to connect the synchronization is to find the analog signal from the RPM gauge and connect the purple wire from the VibeRider controller box to the RPM gauge signal . Another option is to connect the purple wire from controller box to the negative side of your coil.
Will it work on my bike?
VibeRider works on anything, all bikes, ATV's, Cars, Trucks and fits in any seat.
Can I add a 2nd vibrator ?
Yes, but if so, I recommend that you put a separate on/off switch for each of the vibrators. The reasoning is that they will get hotter faster due to the drawing of more ampage. With both vibrators on the entire seat vibrates, and it is not a centralized pulsation, so it feels like it is not hitting the happy spot specifically.
What do I do if the power light does not go on?
Check the 2 amp inline fuse which allows power, if it blew there is a reason why . For example, It could be a wire that is crushed under the seat or the vibrator motor shorted out due to overextended usage. If the fuse is blown, it can be replaced with either a 2, 3 or 5 amp mini fuse , NO MORE than 5.
What do I do if it is not operating in synchronization mode?
Check the purple wired connection from Controller Box to the bike, or re-adjust the white synchronization knob on Controller Box. .
What if I have any other questions regarding VibeRider?
Call us by phone 7 days a week from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time and we will be happy to answer or help in any way we can.
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